Hypnotherapy for fertility takes a holistic view to the issues a couple may be experiencing around conception and pregnancy, it is invariably a mistake to try and identify one single cause to any problem or illness. Hypnosis for fertility can help to increase fertility by reducing stress and anxiety, feelings of calm, relaxation and optimism begin to emerge leading to greater emotional balance with an increasing sense of personal well being. Self esteem improves significantly and your inner strengths and resources are identified and reinforced, as this happens the mind body begin to harmonise which is essential for conception to take place. Hypnotherapy works specifically with the conscious and subconscious mind to enhance fertility, some times people have unknown blocks to becoming pregnant and these may well be seated deep with in the subconscious mind so that you are totally unaware of them. We can work together to begin to resolve these hidden blocks and release any known or unknown obstacles, as this occurs you may feel an increased sense of trust in your own body and I wonder if perhaps you can imagine your story as changes occur.
There are now many studies supporting the use of hypnosis to aid fertility both for fertility problems with couples where there is no known cause and also as an aid for IVF treatments. Some studies have shown that hypnosis increses the success of IVF by 67%, others are more conservative a around 50% but either way these show that hypnotherapy significantly increases the successs of fertility treatment. There may be many reasons for this but we do know that the hormone prolactin is lowered through hypnotherapy and this hormone has been shown to suppress ovulation which can mean that you get your timing wrong and miss your window of opportunity. By lowering the hormone naturally through hypnosis the window of opportunity is greater. However as we saw earlier it is highly unlikely that there is one identifiable cause of difficulties in concieving.
I have to admit that working in this area has a special place in my heart and I feel passionately about helping couples struggling with fertility, if you feel that I can help you in any way then please don’t hesitate to call me on 07968258113 or email on the link above….. too many couples struggle in isolation with this problem for far too long.