Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis Treatments


Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis Treatments can  help people make positive desirable changes far more rapidly than most other therapies . It helps you to clear your mind, builds self belief and confidence. Accesses inner wisdom and knowledge to help you to become the best you can be. Together we can achieve your desired outcomes. Knowing that deep within you you already know what is best for you.

We have two minds, a conscious mind and a subconscious mind which is also known as the unconscious mind, whilst we may believe that consciously we know what we are doing and why we are doing it in reality our subconscious mind is in the driving seat. Directing our responses and reactions from well beneath the conscious analytical minds level of awareness. Unwanted habits, established behaviour patterns, emotional responses and reactions are programmed within the subconscious mind, which is why we often have difficulty trying to solve these types of problems by analysing them with our conscious mind or by using willpower alone.

Hypnosis is a relaxed, pleasant experience which feels similar to daydreaming , in a deeply relaxed state it is easier to access the subconscious mind where our beliefs, memories,and habits are stored, in this very relaxed state we are able tap into our own inner resources and abilities. The hypnotic trance state allows your subconscious mind to go to work on your problem,so that you can begin to solve your difficulties  at a deep and lasting level, in whichever is the best way for you.

If you are looking for Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis treatments in Chester and want a skilled, highly trained specialist mental health hypnotherapist then you have come to the right place

Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis as a way to help people make positive desireable changes far more rapidly than most other therapies . It helps you to clear your mind, builds self belief and confidence. Accesses inner wisdom and knowledge to help you to become the best you can be. Together we can achieve your desired outcomes. Knowing that deep within you you already know what is best for you.

We have two minds, a conscious mind and a subconscious mind which is also known as the unconscious mind, whilst we may believe that consciously we know what we are doing and why we are doing it in reality our subconscious mind is in the driving seat. Directing our responses and reactions from well beneath the conscious analytical minds level of awareness. Unwanted habits, established behaviour patterns, emotional responses and reactions are programmed within the subconscious mind, which is why we often have difficulty trying to solve these types of problems by analysing them with our conscious mind or by using willpower alone.

Hypnosis is a relaxed, pleasant experience which feels similar to daydreaming , in a deeply relaxed state it is easier to access the subconscious mind where our beliefs, memories,and habits are stored, in this very relaxed state we are able tap into our own inner resources and abilities. The hypnotic trance state allows your subconscious mind to go to work on your problem,so that you can begin to solve your difficulties  at a deep and lasting level, in whichever is the best way for you.

If you are looking for Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis Treatments in Chester and want a skilled, highly trained specialist mental health hypnotherapist then you have come to the right place